This Gas Station was built at the Ft Lincoln military base south of Bismarck in 1932 to service military vehicles. It was built in 2 phases, the first being the canopied service area with a small enclosure for the attendant which cost $642. In 1939 a repair area was added to the back of the building to complete small auto repair jobs and to fix or replace tires. By 1970 there was very limited need for the Old Fort as a military installation and the major section of the Fort was transferred to the United Tribes as a Technical Training Center.

The Station was ultimately acquired by the Pioneer Auto Club and John and Jim Beck of Mandan provided much ofthe expertise and effort in preparing the foundation and restoration of the building. Many of the tools and other items on display have been contributed by members and interested parties. One gas pump was donated by the refinery, the other by Jim Unkenholz of rural Mandan and were restored by John Beck. The pump wagon was obtained with a $2500 donation from the Amoco Refinery. The two large standing signs (One identified as Standard and one identified as American) and which depict changes in name and or ownership of the refinery, were obtained in 2003 and installed in 2004. These were also obtained through the refinery.
Standard Service Stations similar to this one were common sights in North Dakota in the 30’s and 40’s. The Ford Model T truck with a Standard Oil Delivery tank that is shown and which was restored was funded by the Mandan Amoco Refinery.
A rest room (Out House) which is another travelers necessity was provided and is also on display at the back of the station.
The station was moved to this site on August 3, 1993 at a cost of $250 from Ft. Lincoln by Pioneer Auto Club members John and Joe Lockner.
The Pioneer Auto Club is the sponsor of the Gas Station which means that they maintain it and the grounds around it. They use the site as a gathering spot occasionally and to display Classic and Antique cars. The Station is a necessary addition to any display of early, small, American towns or villages.